
My little boy is now 7! I can't believe it! We also welcomed a little girl, Elsie, just over a year ago! I've been throwing ridiculous parties for Teddy since he was 2! I organised a party for his first birthday but was unfortunately really poorly and had to cancel. I decided to make up for it the year after and set the standard for his parties. Go big or go home....... I definitely get the party planning bug from my mum. She would always throw us lovely parties as kids but once I turned 16 and she was able to go a bit bigger she really out did herself. My friends called it Jessfest! We had our friends bands playing, we had marquees up and we had bouncy assault courses and castles! All my friends camped over in the field and it was carnage but amazing! It grew from there! I might go into the parties my amazing mum threw for us in a blog too. They are definitely worth talking about! and she set the bar very high. I feel like I'm starting to take the baton now!

If you're interested to find out where I got any of my decorations and party favours from please don't hesitate to contact me! I'd love to either point you in the right direction or even organise them for you!